King Toronto 이번주말 계약입니다.

Signing DATE: Saturday, November 10th to Sunday, November 11th
TIME: 10 am to 6 pm (both days)
LOCATION: Sales Tent located next to the Serpentine Pavilion – 533 King St. W. Toronto, ON, M5V 1K4
• All sales must be in accordance with the deposit structure on the worksheet. At the time of signing, an initial deposit of
$10,000 with offer by Bank Draft or Certified Cheque, ALL FOUR (4) post-dated cheques and the original Photo ID
must be presented. All cheques are made payable to “HARRIS SHEAFFER LLP IN TRUST” (stamps available).
이 콘도는 호불호가 명확하게 갈릴 것 같아요. 지난 여름에 몬트리올을 방문했었는데, 가 보신 분들은 잘 아시겠지만, 이 도시의 다운타운에는 강이 지나가고 섬들도 있어, 다리와 도로가 정말 거미줄 처럼 만들어져 있지요. 그 중에 세인트 헬렌 섬이라도 있는데, 그 섬을 지나 남쪽으로 향하고 있을 때 좌측으로 정말 특이하게 생긴 아파트 건물을 봤습니다. 정말이지 상자들을 엉성하게 쌓아 놓은 것 같았습니다. 어떤 유닛은 공중에 떠 있기도 했습니다. 토론토에도 서랍을 빼놓은 듯한 공중에 떠 있는듯한 유닛을 만들어 놓은 빌딩들이 있기는 하지만, 그 아파트 건물은 좀 심하다 싶었습니다. 게다가 색깔도 콘크리트 색깔을 그대로 둔 것으로 기억합니다. 그런데, 오늘 소개해드리는 이 King Toronto의 빌더가 그 아파트(Habitat 67)를 브로셔 시작부분에서 언급합니다. 빌더의 말을 소개합니다.
When our partner Michael Emory at Allied reached out and asked us to look at the nearly 600 feet of frontage he had assembled over 10 years on King Street W in Toronto, it immediately struck us that this site deserved something extraordinary. To design the project, Bjarke Ingels and his team at BIG came first to mind, as we had been looking for an opportunity to work together in Toronto for some time. Allied was equally enthusiastic about that starting point.
I always had a fascination with Habitat 67, well before I was actually able to see it in person. I think it began with my interest in the ideals behind the kibbutz and building a community. We thought of this project as a way to demonstrate how architecture can meet this challenge and, hopefully, on completion, that will be its test: can architecture bring people together? In many respects, I think the project has the potential to be more successful than Habitat 67, which after all, was an experiment built on an island in the middle of a river. Here, we have the opportunity to infill within an already vibrant, successful neighbourhood. King West is one of Canada’s truly great neighbourhoods. Walkable, interspersed with parks and amenities, enjoying access to transit and a unique character made up of an eclectic mix of heritage and a fine-grain typology. At a different scale, using a variety of ways to extend nature, we have managed to create a village green at the heart of our project and in the surrounding landscape.
The other interesting aspect of this project is the inspiration from Maison de Verre, in Paris, which led us to explore the use of glass block both on the building façade and within the project, playing with reflectivity, translucency and transparency to create a luminescent project that changes with the light. Building upon the success of Vancouver House and our adoption of the principal of Gesamtkunstwerk, we have once again taken up the challenge of creating the total work of art. It was through Vancouver House, our first project with Bjarke Ingels, that I first discovered the word and philosophy behind Gesamtkunstwerk, and embraced it as a guiding philosophy for all of our projects, current and future. We realized that, above all, our work expresses the integration of art and architecture, which we hope will elevate our projects to become living sculptures and total works of art. Today, this concept continues to manifest itself in our projects in new and interesting ways, no better than here with what we are calling KING Toronto.
We are also really excited about the chance to work with Public Work, the young, talented landscape architect who has stepped up to meet the challenge of bringing nature into the urban environment. I think the landscape design on this project may be the best in the country. Finally, KING Toronto is also a project that is resonating strongly within the public discourse. We will be putting on our next exhibition onsite in Toronto, within our BIG-designed 2016 Serpentine Pavilion called Unzipped. This project and this conversation are among the ways we are helping contribute to a dialogue around urbanism and the opportunities of using architecture to create community in Toronto, a wonderful city that is considered amongst the most vibrant in the world today.
— Ian Gillespie Founder, Westbank
사실 제가 본 Habitat 67은 모양이 특이해서 그렇지, King Toronto의 위상과는 비교할 정도의 수준은 아닙니다.
그렇다고 King Toronto가 좋다 나쁘다를 말하는 것은 아니고요, 다른 많은 프로젝트와 비교해서 상당히 특이한 구성을 하고 있는 것은 사실이지요. 어떻게 느끼시나요?
King Toronto는 킹 스트리트의 남쪽에 200미터라는 아주 긴 길이를 차지하고 있는 부지에 건설됩니다. 4개의 빌딩으로 구성되며, 매우 큰 프로젝트임에는 틀림없습니다. 빌더인 웨스트뱅크는 BC주에서 손꼽히는 대형 건설사이며, 토론토에서도 그 명성을 이어나갈 것입니다.
제게 가격과 플로어플랜이 있습니다만, 빌더의 요청으로 이 곳에 공개하지는 못합니다. 문의하시면 보내드리겠습니다.
[email protected]
416-333-3263을 이용해주십시오.
계약은 이번주말 양일간입니다. 관심 있으신 분은 서둘러 알려주십시오. 행운을 빕니다.
Signing DATE: Saturday, November 10th to Sunday, November 11th
TIME: 10 am to 6 pm (both days)
LOCATION: Sales Tent located next to the Serpentine Pavilion – 533 King St. W. Toronto, ON, M5V 1K4
• All sales must be in accordance with the deposit structure on the worksheet. At the time of signing, an initial deposit of
$10,000 with offer by Bank Draft or Certified Cheque, ALL FOUR (4) post-dated cheques and the original Photo ID
must be presented. All cheques are made payable to “HARRIS SHEAFFER LLP IN TRUST” (stamps available).
이 콘도는 호불호가 명확하게 갈릴 것 같아요. 지난 여름에 몬트리올을 방문했었는데, 가 보신 분들은 잘 아시겠지만, 이 도시의 다운타운에는 강이 지나가고 섬들도 있어, 다리와 도로가 정말 거미줄 처럼 만들어져 있지요. 그 중에 세인트 헬렌 섬이라고 있는데, 그 섬을 지나 남쪽으로 향하고 있을 때 좌측으로 정말 특이하게 생긴 아파트 건물을 봤습니다. 정말이지 상자들을 엉성하게 쌓아 놓은 것 같았습니다. 어떤 유닛은 공중에 떠 있기도 했습니다. 토론토에도 서랍을 빼놓은 듯한 공중에 떠 있는듯한 유닛을 만들어 놓은 빌딩들이 있기는 하지만, 그 아파트 건물은 좀 심하다 싶었습니다. 게다가 색깔도 콘크리트 색깔을 그대로 둔 것으로 기억합니다. 그런데, 오늘 소개해드리는 이 King Toronto의 빌더가 그 아파트(Habitat 67)를 브로셔 시작부분에서 언급합니다. 빌더의 말을 소개합니다.
When our partner Michael Emory at Allied reached out and asked us to look at the nearly 600 feet of frontage he had assembled over 10 years on King Street W in Toronto, it immediately struck us that this site deserved something extraordinary. To design the project, Bjarke Ingels and his team at BIG came first to mind, as we had been looking for an opportunity to work together in Toronto for some time. Allied was equally enthusiastic about that starting point.
I always had a fascination with Habitat 67, well before I was actually able to see it in person. I think it began with my interest in the ideals behind the kibbutz and building a community. We thought of this project as a way to demonstrate how architecture can meet this challenge and, hopefully, on completion, that will be its test: can architecture bring people together? In many respects, I think the project has the potential to be more successful than Habitat 67, which after all, was an experiment built on an island in the middle of a river. Here, we have the opportunity to infill within an already vibrant, successful neighbourhood. King West is one of Canada’s truly great neighbourhoods. Walkable, interspersed with parks and amenities, enjoying access to transit and a unique character made up of an eclectic mix of heritage and a fine-grain typology. At a different scale, using a variety of ways to extend nature, we have managed to create a village green at the heart of our project and in the surrounding landscape.
The other interesting aspect of this project is the inspiration from Maison de Verre, in Paris, which led us to explore the use of glass block both on the building façade and within the project, playing with reflectivity, translucency and transparency to create a luminescent project that changes with the light. Building upon the success of Vancouver House and our adoption of the principal of Gesamtkunstwerk, we have once again taken up the challenge of creating the total work of art. It was through Vancouver House, our first project with Bjarke Ingels, that I first discovered the word and philosophy behind Gesamtkunstwerk, and embraced it as a guiding philosophy for all of our projects, current and future. We realized that, above all, our work expresses the integration of art and architecture, which we hope will elevate our projects to become living sculptures and total works of art. Today, this concept continues to manifest itself in our projects in new and interesting ways, no better than here with what we are calling KING Toronto.
We are also really excited about the chance to work with Public Work, the young, talented landscape architect who has stepped up to meet the challenge of bringing nature into the urban environment. I think the landscape design on this project may be the best in the country. Finally, KING Toronto is also a project that is resonating strongly within the public discourse. We will be putting on our next exhibition onsite in Toronto, within our BIG-designed 2016 Serpentine Pavilion called Unzipped. This project and this conversation are among the ways we are helping contribute to a dialogue around urbanism and the opportunities of using architecture to create community in Toronto, a wonderful city that is considered amongst the most vibrant in the world today.
— Ian Gillespie Founder, Westbank
사실 제가 본 Habitat 67은 모양이 특이해서 그렇지, King Toronto의 위상과는 비교할 정도의 수준은 아닙니다.
그렇다고 King Toronto가 좋다 나쁘다를 말하는 것은 아니고요, 다른 많은 프로젝트와 비교해서 상당히 특이한 구성을 하고 있는 것은 사실이지요. 어떻게 느끼시나요?
King Toronto는 킹 스트리트의 남쪽에 200미터라는 아주 긴 길이를 차지하고 있는 부지에 건설됩니다. 4개의 빌딩으로 구성되며, 매우 큰 프로젝트임에는 틀림없습니다. 빌더인 웨스트뱅크는 BC주에서 손꼽히는 대형 건설사이며, 토론토에서도 그 명성을 이어나갈 것입니다.
제게 가격과 플로어플랜이 있습니다만, 빌더의 요청으로 이 곳에 공개하지는 못합니다. 문의하시면 보내드리겠습니다.
416.333.3263(윤현종, Mike).
계약은 이번주말 양일간입니다. 관심 있으신 분은 서둘러 알려주십시오. 행운을 빕니다.